Fiona is a maker of beautiful marks
Susan Aldworth, internationally renowned Artist

Fiona Stevenson
Fiona’s abstract artistic practice captures the idea of an individual working in the wider world, while suggesting the business of touching on experience with a wonderful “take“ on the particularity that goes with inclusiveness, that is that we are all different but we are all one.
Fiona is not uncommon among people with Down’s Syndrome in mostly inhabiting her own worlds which we overlap at certain times. Painting or drawing every day places Fiona in her own framework and unites her with most artists for whom the language of making is their primary means of communicating and identifying themselves.
By visiting the virtual gallery rooms you can explore the strength of Fiona’s self recognition and the richness of her visual language and experience differing levels of complexity and power. You can sign up for updates about exhibitions and express interest in buying original
It’s a joy to watch her work without preconceptions, but always with a clear objective in mind as she paints
National charity launches Down’s syndrome Christmas card pack featuring Fiona Stevenson’s work
A national charity which helps parents and professionals improve the lives of people with Down’s syndrome has launched a pack of Christmas cards featuring the work of artist Fiona Stevenson, who has been featured in the UK’s best-selling women’s weekly magazine. One of Fiona’s abstract paintings is among seven designs created by artists, all of…
Fiona Stevenson features in cutting edge arts magazine
Fiona Stevenson features this week in a cutting-edge London-based arts magazine – New Wave. The feature, on artists and disability, looks at how Fiona’s work expresses her experience. “When I gaze at her canvases, I feel that there is a universality in her expression. Her paintings, whether large or small scale, infused with vivid colour…